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How Can We Help

ClearSpeak training is targeted at those who wish to achieve a superior level of skill.  All training is therefore by private tuition as no two speakers have the same needs nor do they learn new skills at the same pace.

Professional speech pathologist Alison Kimble

Employer sponsored
MPrivately self-funded
Speech therapy referred
Recognised internationally
A leader in its field

Explore The Courses

Explore The Courses

For the Perfect Pronunciation book
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
24 students

Explore The Courses

For the Perfect Pronunciation book
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
24 students

Explore The Courses

For the Perfect Pronunciation book
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
24 students

How Can We Help

How training programs work
ClearSpeak training is targeted at those who wish to achieve a superior level of skill. All training is therefore by private tuition as no two speakers have the same needs nor do they learn new skills at the same pace. Having said this, small group training of up to three clients may be considered in certain cases. All pronunciation training is accompanied by recorded ClearSpeak training exercises. These are essential for home practice in order to bring about meaningful change.
Standard Programs (employer sponsored)

These are private tuition programs for those being sponsored by an employer. Programs may be of any length but are typically either:

Six Week Program:

Usually suitable for those wishing to improve voice, speed of speech, intonation and body language. If accented speech is an issue, then a longer program is required.

Twelve Week Program:

Usually suitable for those seeking to improve clarity of pronunciation and modify the impact of foreign or regional accent. Those who speak English as a second language will require a program of this length.

Programs begin with a comprehensive assessment of all aspects of your speaking style. This is followed by the recommended number of training sessions of one hour each. Sessions are generally held once a week to enable you to apply and consolidate what you have learnt. A short review session may be held three or four months after your program to review progress and provide you with feedback for further learning.

The program fee includes all ClearSpeak recorded audio exercises and printed materials. Progress reports are provided for corporate sponsors if required.

Training is held at your offices or at a ClearSpeak training location. A travel surcharge may apply in certain cases.

Flexi-Programs (self-financed)
This is a special no frills option for those financing their own training i.e. not administered by their employer. The training approach and materials are similar to those for Standard Programs but there are no reports or liaison with employers. Importantly, there are no accounts with this program. You pay-as-you-go at each session and receive all materials required for that session. Tax receipts will only be issued in the client’s name. These programs are available at a ClearSpeak training location. The length of program is confirmed following your initial assessment.
Speech therapy
If you have a speech disability such as cluttering (rapid, tumbled speech) or slurred speech due to a pathology, you may be eligible for speech therapy. A doctor’s referral or medical consultation will be required in certain cases. No GST is payable

and your Private Health Fund may cover part of the cost if you have the necessary cover.
Tutorials for Trainers

Private or small group tutorials are available for speech therapists and English language trainers. These two hour tutorials with Alison Kimble are arranged on request and are aimed at both experienced pronunciation trainers as well as those branching into this field. The content is tailored to suit participants but in general covers discussion of the concepts and techniques of the ClearSpeak Method of pronunciation change plus the CAP Test of sound assessment. It includes real time demonstration of how to train selected sounds in a client brought to the session by the participant. The Perfect Pronunciation book is essential pre-reading for the tutorial. A letter of completion is provided if required for Professional Self- Regulation purposes. More information and fee on request. 

All training is conducted in strictest confidence. Your identity, personal details and progress are covered by the trainer’s professional ethics and Code of Practice.
Your Trainer

Training is by Alison Kimble, a professionally qualified speech pathologist, who specialises in accent and overall pronunciation clarity. LEARN MORE

Fees and further information

Email ClearSpeak at Contact Us if you would like further information about what a program can offer you or a member of your team.

To assist us with your enquiry, please state the type of program you are seeking. We provide training to suit two different needs:

Corporate clients – sponsored by your employer and held at your place of work.

Ask for a Standard Program

Self-financed clients – arranged by you and held at our local office. Ask for either a

· Flexi-Program (no impairment)

· Speech Therapy Program (impaired speech)

We will be glad to send you more information and possible training times for the program you require.

Learn With The ClearSpeak Method

  • Based on professional speech pathology principles to give a first-rate result
  • Techniques tried and tested over 25 years
  • Impaired speech? Loads of masterclass videos and ‘listen-and-repeat’ exercises for home practice
  • Accent change student? Create a ‘whole’ accent that allows you to speak fluently at length
  • Benefit like the many hundreds of students who have trained successfully with the Method
  • Recognised internationally as a leader in its field

Who We Train

We provide training for two distinct groups of client. Which one are you?
Are you looking for:
  • Speech Therapy:
    You have an underlying pathology and wish to rehabilitate a speech impairment.


  • Speech and Voice Enhancement
    You have no underlying speech disability. You wish to enhance your speaking style and/or adjust English accent and clarity.

A. Speech Therapy

For clients with a medical referral or diagnosed disability.
  • Weakness or co-ordination of lip and tongue muscles e.g.
  • Parkinson’s Disease speech pattern
  • Dysarthria (slurred speech) from a stroke or brain condition
  • Dysarthria from a neuropathy
  • Stuttering
  • Cluttered, rapid speech
  • Indistinct speech due to moderate hearing loss

B. Speech and Voice Enhancement

For Self-referred clients with no speech disability.
  • Voice modification
  • Projection for ‘safe’ loud speech
  • Increased vocal resonance
  • Reduced nasal overlay
  • Correction of strident or breathy quality
  • Overall pitch adjustment
  • Assertive voice and intonation
  • Indistinct speech due to moderate hearing loss
  • Fluent accent for those with foreign pronunciation
  • Regional accent change for English speakers
  • Modern elocution for clear spoken English

Frequently asked questions

Your Voice Coach Alison ‘Kimi’ Kimble

Alison is a practising speech pathologist and a seasoned professional. Her special area of expertise is clarity of English accent and pronunciation. She has published in the field of Parkinson’s Disease speech and worked with a wide variety of co-ordination related impairments.

She is author of the ClearSpeak Method for English accent and pronunciation change. The Method is used in universities and colleges internationally.

Training Programs and Fees

  • Standard Programs (employer sponsored)
  • Flexi-Programs (self-financed)
  • Speech therapy
  • Tutorials for Trainers
  • Confidentiality
  • Fees and further information

Accent change and overall speech clarity

  • Fluent accent for those with foreign pronunciation
  • Regional accent change for English speakers
  • Modern elocution for clear spoken English

Where We Train

  • Brisbane (Moreton Bay region)
  • Bribie Island (Head Office)
  • Caboolture
  • Sydney (By arrangement)
  • Melbourne (By arrangement)
Face-to-face training not for you?
Speech trainer looking to learn the ClearSpeak Method?

Contact us for a trainer tutorial with Alison Kimble


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